Date Topic Area Morning (ca. 10:00 - 12:00) Noon (ca. 13:00 - 15:00) Afternoon (ca. 15:00 - 17:00) Instructors
Mon, 28.10. Basics Goals, Grading, Orga (SB)
Git basics (JI)
Exercise: Create & edit wiki page
Dev env setup and IDE basics (JI, SB)
Getting Started (JI)
Exercise: My first Java "Hello World"
Intro to our coding exercises (JI)
Variables & operators (JI)
Students work on exercises
After each block there will be a wrap-up with observations.

Control flow (conditions & loops) (JI)
Time to finish exercises (unsupervised) JI, MR, SB
Tue 29.10. Basics (ctd.) OOP with methods & classes (SB) OOP with methods & classes (ctd.)
Optional exercises
Interactive group coding task "Basics" MR, SB
Wed 30.10. Data Structures Overview on data structures (SB)
Arrays & Lists (JI)
Rules for pair programming (SB)
Students now work in pairs
Arrays & Lists (ctd.)
Intro to unit testing (MR)
Stacks & Queues (MR)
Time to finish exercises (unsupervised) JI, MR, SB
Thu 31.10. Data Structures (ctd.) Maps & Hash Functions (SB) Sets (SB) Interactive group coding task "Data Structures": Selection of appropriate data structures JI, MR, SB
Fri 01.11. Public Holiday
Mon 4.11. Algorithms Introduction to trees and graphs (MR)
Intro to combined exercise with sorting / graph-traveling / Dijkstra algorithm (MR)
Student pairs will be mixed again
Introduction to sorting algorithms (MR)
Introduction to debugging (MR)
Exercise: sort the graph
Time to finish exercises (unsupervised) MR, SB
Tue 5.11. Algorithms (ctd.) Introduction to graph traversal algorithms (MR)
Exercise: traverse the graph
Implementation Presentation of results MR, SB
Wed 6.11. Programming Challenge Introduction to coding challenge: we will develop a small game (SB)
Group work on a coding challenge as base for course grading; students work in the same pairs as in Algorithms.
group work (ctd.) group work (ctd.) JI, MR, SB
Thu 7.11. Programming Challenge (ctd.) group work (ctd.) group work (ctd.) group work (ctd.) MR
Fri 8.11. Programming Challenge (ctd.) Presentation
Each team plays three games of other teams
One or two teams (picked randomly) show the source code to all others
- - MR, SB

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